1.30.2021 Workout Of the Day

”Martin” Partner Workout

British Army Pvt. Martin Simon George Bell was posthumously awarded the George Medal in 2012 for his lifesaving efforts to help an injured comrade. The George Medal is awarded for acts of gallantry not performed directly in the face of an enemy.

“Bell lost his life … whilst getting me to safety after I stepped on an IED and lost both of my legs above the knee,” said Bell’s comrade Scott Meenagh.

On Jan. 25, 2011, Bell and Scott Meenagh were tasked with interdicting insurgent forces along known infiltration routes to prevent them from attacking the Afghan National Army and intimidating the local population near the village of Spoor Kalay.

During the mission, Meenagh stepped on an improvised explosive device, losing both his legs in the blast. Bell disobeyed a direct order to stay where he was and took action to apply tourniquets to Meenagh’s legs to stop the bleeding and carry him to safety. As he was pulling Meenagh up a steep bank, another improvised explosive device detonated, fatally wounding Bell.

“Private Martin Bell died going to the assistance of a critically injured friend in the most dangerous combat circumstances imaginable; ‘greater love has no man than this,’” said Lt. Col. Andrew Harrison, Commanding Officer, 2nd Battalion in an article published just after Bell’s death. “He knew the risks all too well; twice in the minutes before his death he had witnessed at first-hand, the devastating human impact of IEDs.”

Today, Meenagh is a paralympic athlete and a CrossFit Level 1 Certificate holder who trains at CrossFit Airdrie in Airdrie, Scotland. In 2014, Meenagh began practicing para-Nordic skiing after attending the 2014 Paralympic Games as a spectator.

Meenagh credits Bell for the life he lives today. “Without Bell, I wouldn’t be here today,” he said. “I hold those memories of training with Martin so dear, I wish Bell and I could do WODs together now.” Family and friends who knew Bell remember his infectious sense of humor, dedicated service, loving personality, and bravery and valor.

Bell was 24 years old at the time of his death and is survived by his parents, Simon and Elaine; his brothers, Oliver and Philip; and many other friends, family, and comrades.

rowing, deadlifts, push-ups, thrusters, pull-ups, sit-ups, wall ball shots


Hero WOD (0830AM and 0930AM)
Restorative Yoga (TBD)


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